I have been using supplements for years with little or no results, other than a deficit balance in my finances. That was until I did my due diligence on The Science Of Supplements – My Choice became more focused and I had superb results So, in my earlier article on Advanced Nutritional Supplements – Fact or Fantasy? I promised to fill you in on my choice of supplement that has helped me lose over 38 kgs, helped maintain my sugar levels and generally kept me healthy and feeling great.
Before I do that I would ask you to watch this short video on the science behind the supplement. It will give you some understanding of the quality of the product and why it has been on the market for over 30 years and is sold in over 90 countries. See Below.
How I Found Herbalife
Having tried so many products, I was fast losing faith that there were any Diets, supplements, Pills or Shakes that could help me lose weight. I had all but given up on being able to lose weight. Being on the road for 12 to 18 hrs a day, 3 days a week, I found it impossible to follow a diet. Many a night I bought packets of sweets to get the sugar rush to keep me going the last 500kms. I just had to find a way to lose weight.
Newspaper Advert
I enjoy reading the classifieds in the newspaper (I usually read all 5 of the week’s papers on Saturdays). One day I came across a little newspaper ad saying “Lose Weight Now Ask Me How” with a telephone number. The number was for a city 260 km away, but heck…I was desperate and I drove there 3 days a week. I phoned!
More False Promises?
I wasn’t too enthusiastic and it certainly was made clear to the poor guy on the other end of the phone. He assured me of the 30-day money-back guarantee and told me to take 2 tablets 3 times a day, drink a shake twice a day and eat 1 moderate meal of my choice once a day.
For once, I jumped up and checked the product on the internet. There were tons of testimonials and agents all over. Yes, there were people that were unhappy but, my dodgy mental calculation showed they were less than 1 %.
What the heck…I was going to Durban in two days so I arranged to collect the products. He wasn’t going to catch me. I would know where he lived and could collect my money back on the 30-day money-back guarantee when it did not work. And yes…..I did not believe that it was going to work.
Basic Package
I picked up my basic starter pack and carried it with me for 2 days until I returned home. We read the brochure that I was given and it was decided by my better half that I would be the guinea pig as she was tired of all the “Mambo Jumbo” spoken by “all these people“.
Personal Follow-up
I was told to fill in a chart with my measurements and weight and to email it to the guy weekly so that he can do a personal follow-up. Personal follow-up….sure. I dutifully sent my chart to him and started the program on a Wednesday. Surprise, surprise, Thursday at 2 pm, I received a call, “How did you enjoy your shake today?“.
Never Looked Back
I have never looked back. I lost 18kgs in 3 months and I just kept going. Everyone was asking how I did it and could I show them. I got tired of selling for the other distributor and signed up myself so that I could get 25% off and Sell to all my friends and colleagues. After losing 38kgs I went onto one shake a day for breakfast, as It is quick and easy to make and drink. It has been part of my daily life for years now. I can feel it when I skip my shake and I try and make sure that it is my daily breakfast.
It’s Simple And It Works – Guaranteed
It is really as simple as taking two fibre tablets three times a day and drinking a shake twice a day. Your one meal is a meal of your choice – and like everything else, in moderation. What have you got to lose?
Questions And Comments
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them in the comment section below. I will try and reply within 24hrs.
Try It – It Really Works
The Nutritional Shake Cost +/- R652 (See our products list)
Shipping is free by courier in South Africa. This is a secure site and your transaction is secure.
Need More Info….Here is a 5:50-minute video below.
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