A deficiency of vitamin A can lead to various symptoms, which primarily affect the eyes, skin, immune system, and overall growth and development. Long term shortage of vitamin A can be serious during pregnancy as well.

Vitamin A may prevent some types of cancer and acne. It may also help treat psoriasis, helps treat dry or wrinkled skin. It may also protect against the effects of pollution and prevent respiratory tract infections.
What Are The Symptoms Associated With Shortage Of Vitamin A?
Here are some common symptoms associated with a lack of vitamin A:
- Night blindness: Difficulty seeing in low light or darkness is often one of the earliest signs of vitamin A deficiency. It can result in reduced vision at night or in dimly lit areas.
- Xerophthalmia: This condition refers to progressive damage to the eyes due to insufficient vitamin A. Symptoms may include dryness, redness, corneal ulcers, and eventually, blindness if left untreated.
- Dry skin: Inadequate vitamin A levels can lead to dry, flaky skin, particularly in areas prone to high friction such as the elbows, knees, and heels.
- Poor wound healing: Vitamin A plays a crucial role in the healing process. A deficiency can lead to delayed wound healing and an increased susceptibility to infections.
- Increased susceptibility to infections: Vitamin A is essential for maintaining a healthy immune system. Without sufficient levels, the body’s ability to fight off infections and illnesses may be compromised, leading to more frequent infections, especially respiratory and gastrointestinal infections.
- Impaired growth and development: Vitamin A is important for normal growth and development, particularly in children. Insufficient levels can hinder proper bone growth, delay the development of teeth, and impair overall physical and cognitive development.
- Reproductive issues: In females, vitamin A deficiency can cause complications during pregnancy, including an increased risk of maternal mortality, premature birth, and an elevated likelihood of infant mortality.

It’s worth noting that the severity of symptoms can vary depending on the duration and extent of the deficiency. If you suspect a vitamin A deficiency, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and guidance on treatment.
How Much Vitamin A should You Be Consuming Daily?
The recommended daily amount of vitamin A is 900 micrograms (mcg) for adult men and 700 mcg for adult women.
It is better to consume Vitamin A through your diet with foods like:

- liver,
- fish,
- eggs,
- dairy products ,
- leafy green vegetables,
- orange and yellow vegetables,
- tomato products,
- fruits, and
- some vegetable oils
Can Vitamin A Deficiency Be Cured?
Happily, Yes! Mild forms of vitamin A deficiency can usually be treated without any long-term problems. Vitamin A deficiency is much more common in low-income countries, where it is often very severe and can cause loss of vision and even death.
If you notice any of the symptoms, try and increase your consuption of food containing high vitamin A. If this does not improve the symtoms, consult your healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis.