Pickled Garlic And The Proven Health Benefits

Pickled Garlic and the Proven health benefits of Using Garlic have been recognized for centuries. Garlic is loaded with good vitamins, and minerals like selenium, zinc, manganese, Vitamin C, Vitamin B, and other antioxidants, including allicin.

Health Benefits of Garlic

Today, claims for the health benefits of garlic include lower blood pressure and cholesterol, an anti-inflammatory effect, a reduced risk of cancer, and a stronger immune system. While many of these claims are overblown, there is evidence of some health benefits.

Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure

Garlic has anti-inflammatory benefits and helps blood flow more easily
through the body. Several studies found that blood pressure was lowered by 10% when the participant took garlic supplements. Taking garlic by mouth seems to reduce systolic blood pressure by about 7-9 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure by about 4-6mmHg. Keep in mind that the supplement doses are fairly high—600 to 1,500 mg of aged garlic extract. That’s the equivalent of roughly four cloves
of garlic a day, so start chopping.


Garlic seems to modestly reduce pre-meal blood sugar levels in people with or without diabetes. It seems to work best in people with diabetes, especially if it is taken for at least 3 months. It’s unclear if garlic reduces post-meal blood sugar levels or HbA1c levels.


Garlic can also reduce cardiovascular disease risk by lowering your cholesterol. High levels of cholesterol or other fats (lipids) in the blood (hyperlipidemia). Taking raw garlic reduces total cholesterol and low-density Lipoprotein (LDL) in people with high cholesterol levels. Garlic appears to work best it takes daily for more than 8 weeks. Taking garlic does not increase high-density Lipoprotein (HDL) or lower levels of other blood fats called triglycerides.


A group of study participants that took a garlic supplement saw their cholesterol levels go down over a period of five months. The key here is commitment. Like many natural remedies, it takes a while for the benefits of garlic to kick in, because you have to let the vitamins and minerals build up in your body and repair the damage caused during reluctant taking care of your body. But adding garlic to your daily routine is a healthy way to develop a lifelong habit that can benefit your health year after year.

Reduced The Risk Of Heart Disease

As people age, their arteries tend to lose their ability to stretch and flex. Garlic seems to reduce this effect.

Healthy Aging

Taking a specific garlic powder supplement (Allicor, INAT-Farma) twice daily for 24 months seems to reduce how much hardening of the arteries progresses. Higher doses of this product seem to provide more benefits in women than men when taken over a four-year period. Research with other products containing garlic, alone or along with other ingredients (Kyolic Reserve, Kyolic, Total Heart Health, Formula 108, Wakunaga), have also shown benefits.

Garlic is a natural at reducing heart disease risk because it lowers cholesterol and blood pressure. It’s also great at reducing your risk of heart disease by relaxing hardened blood vessels and preventing platelet aggregation. How does it work? Garlic increases the production of nitric oxide which keeps blood vessels relaxed. It also prevents platelets from binding to proteins, which reduces blood clots. When it comes to heart disease help, garlic’s got you covered.

Chest Pain 

Early research suggests that administering garlic intravenously (by IV) for 10 days reduces chest pain compared to intravenous nitro-glycerine.

Colds And Flu

Early research suggests that garlic might reduce the frequency and number of colds when taken daily for prevention. Digested garlic helps boost the immune system and reduces the severity and length of cold and flu symptoms. One study showed that taking a daily garlic supplement reduced the number of colds participants experienced by 63%. Studies have also reported that the average length of cold symptoms was reduced from five days to a day and a half. If you like garlic, try adding more to your meals when you feel a cold coming on.

I believe in Natural Healing which has no side effects.  My opinion on Garlic and keeping the flu symptoms away is made from only two ingredients

  • Honey
  • Garlic

Garlic Honey

The secrete to create the best natural cure is the fermentation of the two ingredients. You must use fresh peeled garlic cloves to get the best results. Place the garlic in a glass pot with a lid that can seal. Top up the glass pot with natural honey or raw honey to the top but must not touch the lid. Place the closed Garlic and Honey in a dark place for two to three weeks until the lid is pressed up and you can see that it builds up pressure inside the bottle. This process is called fermented garlic and honey. Slowly open the lid as the pressure inside the bottle explodes with the opening or movement of the lid.

The garlic combined its nutrients into the honey and therefore the taste will be must easier to allow you to eat and the honey is not so sweet to help you to drink for medical reasons also.

The recommended intake of fermented garlic and honey

Take daily a garlic clove or 1 teaspoon of honey. This will boost your immune system and the honey will also help the cough or sinusitis.